
My Sweeekends☆★


How was your weekend??
Mine was sweeeeet♫

On Friday: Team Fujiwara meeting w/ Satoko

It's Fridayy<3
Had an awesome afternoon with Satoko again♫

Satoko is a house wife but also,
currently working as
 Pirates Instructer in Tokyo
 Aromatherapy Teacher in Nagoya=) 

So I'm sure her week is pretty busy moving Here to There...


.....The reason I admire her so much is....
cause she NEVER STOPS!!
& She's always sooo Creative and Enthusiastic and Energetic<3

And so, she did it again>.<!!

''Where is this?''

''Oh it's my own house, trying to open a new class there=)''

OMG!! what an amazing girl...XD

Satoko's New Pirates Class @ Hamamatsu 
Opening Soon=)!!!!

ANYONE, who's interested in PIRATES,
Instructer Satoko's ''Pirates Design Studio 310''

 Summer is almost there~
No time to lose~☆★
It's now, the perfect timing to start shaping your bodyyy♫

If you wanna have a REAL inner beauty...
check this outttt<3

You'll looooove instructer Satoko's
GLAMOROUS lessons♫

On Saturday: Gin no kura Ramen →
Taka and Tomo's home party w/ Michy & Kei

Had a Miso Garlic Butter Ramen @ Gin no Kura

Mmm yummyyyyyyyyyy♫♫♫
I felt like..I can eat this every saturday♫♫
oh the soup is soo addictiveXD
I'll def come back soon!!
And so, we all became like THIS...!!

Bought many drinks~
now ready to hit our friends place=)
♫to the nest~to the nest~(by, beyonce) of our lovely couple, Tomo & Taka♫
♫Gorgeous!! handmade yummy plate♫

They treated us sooo good,
with impressive foods and chilling muzics♫
Bust out wines and beers for the night♫

Thanxx to the sweetest couple,
for a such loooovely nights♫     

On Sunday: Cafe @ Komeda & Relaxing day w/ Kei

Today is Sunday.
Sunday means Komeda.
Komeda means ・・・


we headed to our neighbour coffe shop, Komeda,
as always.
Ordered 1 mix juice, 1 fresh orange juice,
1 shironowar.

My favorite Orange Juice<3

This Syrup makes the Shironowar Extra yummy☆★!!


 Just an ordinary sunday.
 a relaxing day with my husband Kei, before his another one busy week begins=)

♫Tonight's Dinner♫

And now..
I'm watching Pirates of Caribian!!

Luv U Johnny!!


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